Finding Inspiration for Your Website Redesign or Build: Unleashing Creativity Online

By Andy Tretow - eGuide Content Marketing Manager

Building or redesigning a website is an exciting endeavor, but it can also be a daunting task for those who are trying to run a growing business. Finding the right inspiration to breathe life into your digital masterpiece is essential. My hope is this blog will be able to help you explore various avenues where you can discover inspiration and unleash your creativity while crafting a new website or redesigning your current one. From exploring design galleries to embracing everyday experiences, we'll delve into diverse sources that can ignite your imagination and transform your vision into reality.

Pinterest…It’s More Than a Place For Recipes

When beginning a website redesign or builds, it's vital to familiarize yourself with the current design trends and concepts. Websites like Pinterest are goldmines of inspiration, showcasing the finest and most readily available designs from artists from across the world. While browsing through these galleries, pay attention to color schemes, typography choices, layouts, and interactive elements. Take notes on what resonates with you and consider how you can incorporate similar elements into your project.

See What the “Other Guys” Are Doing

In addition to exploring design galleries, looking at your competition can also provide valuable insights. While it might seem a little bit off or “wrong,”  but your competition can be an excellent source of inspiration. Analyze your competitors' websites, taking notes of what you like and what you dont. Identify what sets them apart and discern how you can stand out in your own way. Important Note: While there is nothing wrong with studying competitors, I can’t emphasize enough: DO NOT their design outright! Draw inspiration from their concepts and create something unique and authentic to you.  Remember, you are building from the ground up and want to set yourself above the competition, not in line with them.

Inspiration is All Around You

Look around the room you are sitting in (unless you are sitting in a dark empty room) there  at least a few objects, trinkets, or pieces of art that can kick start your brainstorming.  If the room doesn't inspire you, take a look out the window. Nature's colors and shapes can trigger ideas that you can incorporate into your website's visual elements as well. It is funny how we spend so much time in certain places and are so busy we never notice what surrounds us. Take five minutes and look around; it might surprise you.

(When Redesigning) Listen to Your Current Followers

If you are redesigning an existing website, make use of user feedback and analytics. Flush out what isn’t going so well and areas where users or customers want to see improvement., Take this feedback as an opportunity to improve your website's design and functionality. While feedback is great, so is concrete evidence of what is and isn’t going well.  How can you get that? Tools like Google Analytics can help you understand which pages are popular, how users navigate your site, and what elements are most engaging. Use these insights to optimize your new design and showcase what you are doing well.

Tell the World Who You Are

One thing that many people have a sixth sense for, is authenticity.  If you want to be anything in this process, it is to make sure you show who you are and what your brand stands for. Look for inspiration within your own brand values, mission, and unique selling points. Consider the emotions you want to evoke and the message you want to convey. Integrating these aspects into your design can create a cohesive and compelling user experience. 


Finding inspiration for your website redesign or build can be exhilarating. The key is to remain open-minded and explore a diverse range of sources. Draw inspiration from design galleries, competitors, your surroundings, and even your own brand identity. Remember that inspiration is all around you; it only takes a little curiosity to transform it into a stunning digital masterpiece. As you take this tiny leap into creativity, trust your instincts and use a little bit of your imagination. If you have any questions or need a little bit of help, you can always reach out to us at eGuide Tech Allies.

Help Someone. Have Fun, Be You. Learn & Teach. Finish What You Start.

Gregory Perrine

Avid troubleshooter and eternal student, Greg was inspired by his grandmother's experience with technology and launched eGuide Tech Allies. With over a decade in sales experience, Greg honed his business skills in the world of high-end off premise catering, learning the ins and outs of operating a small business. Greg brings his passion for helping others and enriching the lives of those around him to the core of this business.

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