Time Killers: How to Avoid Them by Planning Ahead

By Alicia Solis - eGuide Systems

In our fast-paced and busy lives, time killers are the activities or habits that consume our valuable time without providing meaningful benefits or contributing to our goals. These time killers can range from mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds to excessive multitasking. Yes..I said it, EXCESSIVE MULTITASKING! All of these time killers often leave us feeling unproductive, overwhelmed, and disconnected from our original priorities.

Time killers have detrimental effects on our personal and professional lives. Firstly, they eat away at our limited time, preventing us from accomplishing important tasks to move things along. Secondly, they can lead to decreased productivity and efficiency, as they disrupt our focus and concentration. And maybe most importantly, excessive time spent on irrelevant tasks can contribute to stress, anxiety, and a sense of wasted potential for your work day. Who wants to end their workday worrying about tomorrow and the piling lists of to-do’s?!

Understanding the Root Causes of Time Killers

Lack of awareness and mindfulness is one of the primary reasons why we fall victim to disengagement and time-killer activities. We often engage in these activities unconsciously, unaware of their impact on our time and overall well-being. Further, a lack of mindfulness prevents us from recognizing the potential consequences and developing strategies to overcome them. Some ways to create the space for mindfulness include intentional calendar blocking and doing a daily sweep of tasks, categorizing how they would fit into your workday.

Procrastination and Poor Time Management

Procrastination and poor time management skills play a significant role in allowing time killers to take over our schedules. When we put off important tasks or fail to prioritize effectively, we create opportunities for time killers to fill the gaps. Over time, this can lead to a cycle of wasted time and unfulfilled commitments. In the workforce, this can look like the endless list of things that are needed and that the downhill turns into a mountain. Not ideal when you are working in a collaborative setting!

Strategies for Avoiding Time Killers Through Proactive Planning

First, set clear goals and priorities by identifying your long-term goals and breaking them down into smaller, actionable tasks. This clarity will help you recognize which activities align with your workflow and project timelines and which are distractions or can be completed at the end. Either way, by having a clear sense of direction, you can make a conscious choice about how you spend your workday so that you AND your team members have the ability to push their projects along.

Create a Schedule and Stick to It

Create a daily or weekly schedule that accounts for your most important tasks (these are sometimes recurring) and commitments. Allocate specific time slots for focused work and productive activities, leaving little room for time killers to creep in. Stick to this schedule as much as possible, treating it as a commitment to yourself and your workday. Also, if you know you start to feel fatigued after certain tasks, or a specific time of the day, it is helpful to build your breaks around those to help you manage your workload. Going full throttle for an entire shift does not always work for everyone!

Practice Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

Cultivate mindfulness by paying attention to the actions needed and how they impact timelines. Notice when others are drawn into time killers and consciously redirect that attention to more meaningful tasks. Regular self-reflection and self-awareness exercises for the team can help you recognize patterns and triggers that lead to time-wasting. Being proactive is key to ensuring you’re all on your game.

Utilize Technology Wisely

While technology can be a major source of time killers, it can also serve as a helpful tool for managing time effectively. Using productivity apps such as Monday.com, time-tracking tools like Clockify, ChapGPT, and website blockers to limit distractions and stay focused can help tremendously.

Develop Healthy Habits and Routines

Establishing positive habits and routines can significantly reduce the temptation of time killers. Implement activities like project standups for lingering questions teammates may have that are halting their progress, or establish working/collab times to help facilitate the collaborative efforts needed to get things done. Whatever keeps you and your team happy as well as efficient is what you should be building toward, but acknowledging that people work differently and develop their own routines over time.


By understanding the concept of time killers and recognizing their negative consequences, we can take proactive steps to avoid them. Through mindful planning, goal setting, and developing healthy habits, we can regain control over our time and redirect it toward the activities that truly matter. Embracing these strategies will empower us to lead more fulfilling workdays, free from the grasp of time killers.

Help Someone. Have Fun, Be You. Learn & Teach. Finish What You Start.

Gregory Perrine

Avid troubleshooter and eternal student, Greg was inspired by his grandmother's experience with technology and launched eGuide Tech Allies. With over a decade in sales experience, Greg honed his business skills in the world of high-end off premise catering, learning the ins and outs of operating a small business. Greg brings his passion for helping others and enriching the lives of those around him to the core of this business. 


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