Nonprofit, Small Business Gregory Perrine Nonprofit, Small Business Gregory Perrine

What's an IP Address?

In the simplest of terms, an IP Address stands for "Internet Protocol Address". And a Local IP Address is what identifies your device to a local network. 

Great, What does that mean?

The best way to think of an IP Address is like an electronic return address label for your internet connection. Its unique code with a built-in set of rules (protocols) that allows you to send and receive information on the internet.

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Nonprofit, Small Business Gregory Perrine Nonprofit, Small Business Gregory Perrine

Internet Speed - How Do I Stack Up?

It seems like every purchase these days has some sort of Wifi capabilities - from printers to e-readers, to every new smart device, we are constantly testing the limits of our router and internet. 

So how does your internet stack up? 

Is easy to find out what your download and upload speed are currently functioning at with a free website called

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